Doreen Schleifer - Psychologist

I had LASIK 9 years ago-with great success. Went from -11 to 20/20 vision- until now. I developed aggressive cataracts (I am 50 years old). I had surgery with the LASIK surgeon thinking he knew my eyes. MISTAKE 1- he never looked at my old records and dismissed my concerns and complaints after surgery as those of an hysterical woman. I am now with another surgeon who says I was a poor candidate for LASIK which is causing all kinds of problems for IOLS, including double vision, poor vision at all distances, uncorrectable eye sight (glasses and all kinds of contacts, progressive lenses-all tried at great expense, halos, star bursts, light sensitivity, pain- and now I am so angry, anxious and depressed, I am on medications for that, don't sleep and have been all over the country for opinions. I have had IOLs exchanged as the first mono focal IOLs (mistake 2- should have had multi-focal, too late now with damage done, and first surgeon never mentioned as option) were decentered, tilted and out of the sac. Now seeking compassionate use of experimental IOLs to address severe higher order aberrations in cornea in the hope of getting back some vision but already thinking about need for early retirment as I can no longer do my job effectively and am getting more and more frantic. LASIK surgeons do not tell you all the risks and are not prepared to deal with eye problems which are now becoming apparent as post-LASIK patients develop other problems.