Grateful Reader

Email to webmaster of

March 15, 2009

I've been thinking about corrective eye surgery for many years, especially after two of my friends have had it done. I am so very grateful that you made your site and that I found it. I had a consultation on Friday, 2 days ago, that was very professional and reassuring. And also exciting, because they had a cancellation this Thursday that I could have taken at a discounted price. I was really ready to go for it! But tonight I was thinking more about how much I rely on my eyesight and how many things I would not be able to do if I became blind or had my vision impaired. Even just thinking about the 1 or 2 days of recovery without using my eyes made me nervous. So, I did more web searching and found your site.

Thank you again very much. I could have rushed into an elective surgery that just now seems to be on the verge of being declared unsafe by the FDA. It seems at the very least that all operations should be put on hold until the FDA completes their re-assessment!